Biodiversity Maps and Resources

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Biodiversity Strategy


The PDF maps below can be enlarged to see local area details.

(The large map files will take a minute to download.)

Conservation Ranking: shows the relative importance and sensitivity of various ecosystems. Four conservation rankings from very high to low are shown on the map.

Valley Relative Biodiversity: identifies areas of greatest ecological and biodiversity significance from low to very high biodiversity in the South Okanagan valley.

Land Management: shows land management and ownership divided into conservation areas, public resource land, dedicated open space, agriculture and Crown leases, private land, and Indian Reserves.

High Biodiversity Areas: shows high biodiversity areas that are outside land management classes that protect natural areas.

Habitat Connectivity: shows the degree to which different habitats are linked to form interconnecting networks.

Large format biodiversity maps and resources for planners and professionals (shapefiles) can be found here.