Biodiversity Resources for Planners and Professionals

Biodiversity Data is already at work in the community

Up-to-date habitat mapping is needed by local governments who wish to designate areas needing additional protection. Even before the Phase one maps were complete, spatial data was shared with several local governments planning departments. Biodiversity map data was used in Oliver, Keremeos, and Summerland by the shared environmental planner to help delineate Environmentally Sensitive Development Permit Areas for the three municipalities. Map data was also used to help complete the document “The Natural Environment and Biodiversity of the Similkameen Valley” for the Similkameen Valley Planning Society.

Shapefile format maps (requires Arcview)

Conservation Ranking: shows the relative importance and sensitivity of various ecosystems. Four conservation rankings from very high to low are shown on the map.

Relative Biodiversity: identifies areas of greatest ecological and biodiversity significance from low to very high biodiversity.

Land Management classes: shows land management and ownership divided into conservation areas, public resource land, dedicated open space, agriculture and Crown leases, private land, and Indian Reserves.

Habitat Connectivity: shows the degree to which different habitats are linked to form interconnecting networks.

Background Methodology Report
View the report on the methods used to conduct the biodiversity conservation analysis and produce the maps.

Biodiversity Methods Report.