Agriculture: publications and resources
The following web links offer manuals, brochures and information from government agencies and conservation organization web sites.
Sustainable agriculture assessment tools
Environmental Farm Plan
The BC Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) is a partnership between Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, the BC Ministry of Agriculture, and the BC Agriculture Research and Development Corporation. It is a voluntary risk-based audit and planning process and is designed to help producers identify areas where environmental improvements should occur on a farm or ranch. The program is intended for all types and scales of farms and ranches. Local advisors provide assistance. Planning for Biodiversity: A Guide for B.C. Farmers and Ranchers is an EFP program to improving biodiversity values on agricultural properties. The guide outlines the relationship between good agricultural practices and biodiversity, includes a Biodiversity Assessment Tool, and Beneficial Management Practices for farmers and ranchers.
Sustainable Practices for BC Vineyards
The BC Wine Grape Council offers a comprehensive guidebook and self-assessment checklist for developing sustainable practices for BC vineyards and wineries. The BC Sustainable Winegrowing Program aims to foster grape and wine production that enhances environmental quality and the resource base on which the industry depends. Chapters include Ecosystem Management, Soil Management, Pest Management, and Water Management.