Working together to Keep Nature in our Future.

South Okanagan-Similkameen
Conservation Program

Why is stewardship so important to this region?

“Living with Wildlife in BC” is a series of nine wildlife management guides for land owners and people working in the agricultural and natural resource sectors.

Here’s what’s inside:

  • Options for wildlife management
  • Assessing safety on your property and creating a safety plan for employees
  • Wildlife fencing and gates, including electric fencing options (“Conflict Reduction Techniques”)
  • Animal deterrents for different species and suppliers for deterrent equipment
  • Assessing your property and buildings for attractants and entry points
  • Animal identification tips

Contact RDOS WildSafeBC coordinator Zoe Kirk, for further help on wildlife management.

To report a conflict with wildlife that threatens public safety call 1-877-952-7277 to reach the provincial Conservation Officer Service.

Click on the links below to download the four page brochures:

Black Bears
Coyotes & Wolves
Conflict Reduction Techniques (12 pages)

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    The vision of SOSCP is to maintain a healthy environment that sustains the diversity of indigenous plants and animals while enriching people’s lives. The six broad strategic objectives that guide SOSCP activities are:

    Land use decisions, policies, and practices recognize the importance of ecological conservation. SOSCP and partners work to provide decision-makers, planners, and developers with information, tools and expertise needed to make sustainable planning choices.

    Promote Ecologically Sustainable Land-Use

    Supporting the acquisition of key habitats includes purchases, covenants or donations of private land, often in conjunction with enhanced protection of Crown lands. Securement activities include restoration, care, and management of these important areas.

    Securing Key Habitats

    SOSCP promotes stewardship activities and encourages landowners to protect biodiversity, enhance habitat for plants and wildlife, and manage lands sustainably.

    Enhancing Stewardship on Public and Private Land

    Involving communities in conservation is essential. SOSCP support professional development workshops, school programs, festivals and outdoor seminars that foster a love and understanding of our natural environment.

    Expanding Community Involvement

    SOSCP is committed to using a science-based approach to guide actions and decision-making, and to promote and facilitate further scientific research for species and ecosystems at risk.

    Applying a Science-Based Approach

    The En'owkin Centre continues its work to recover, revitalize and perpetuate Syilx Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) so it can be applied throughout traditional Syilx territory.

    Applying Traditional Ecological Knowledge