BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands provides provincial leadership to achieve sustainable development of the province’s land, water, and resources while maintaining environmental, economic and social values. This Ministry’s goals are 1) to contribute to the objective of stimulating resource based economic development; 2)to enhance sustainable economic development through land and resource plans; 3)to deliver integrated land and resource information to clients in an efficient and effective manner and; 4) to contribute to the environmental, social and economic well-being of the people of BC through the sustainable management and development of Crown land and water.
BC Ministry of Environment
The ministry’s vision is a clean, healthy and naturally diverse environment that enriches people’s lives, now and in the future. The ministry helps British Columbians limit the adverse effects of their individual and collective activities on the environment. The ministry works to protect human health and safety by ensuring clean and safe water, land and air; to maintain and restore the natural diversity of ecosystems, and fish and wildlife species and their habitat; and to provide park and wildlife recreation services and opportunities to British Columbians and visitors.
BC Ministry of Natural Resource Operations
The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations was created in March 2011 to deliver integrated land management services for British Columbians. It is the main agency responsible for establishing the policy and conditions for access to and use of the province‟s forest, land and natural resources. The merger of Natural Resource Operations with Forests and Land integrates policy with operational resource management.