The South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP) was created in 2000 as a partnership of 20 government and non-government organisations collaborating to conserve the unique species and spaces found in one of the most ecologically…

Thank you Bryn!

Thank you Bryn! After 14 years on the job, our Program Manager Bryn White has decided to conclude her contract, and will be leaving SOSCP at the end of April 2020. Bryn has been at the center of this 20-year partnership for most of that time. If…

Climate projection report for Okanagan Basin released

Climate change is having an impact on industry, ecosystems, and communities across the Okanagan. Wildfires, drought, and flooding already challenge local infrastructure and pose health risks to communities. The three regional districts in the…

SOSCP 2017-2019 Program Report now available

Details of SOSCP partner activities over the past two years are available in the most recent edition of the SOSCP Program Report. The report contains activities as they pertain to the six pillars of the SOSCP vision and mandate, highlighting…


The south Okanagan Valley is an important conservation area for both common species and species at risk, nationally in Canada and provincially in British Columbia. The area is also an important low elevation corridor from the Great Basin north…

RDOS Receives Award from Peers for Establishing Conservation Fund

The South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP) is pleased to announce the Regional District Okanagan Similkameen (RDOS) Board has received an award to acknowledge and celebrate local governments for their efforts in protecting biodiversity.…

South Okanagan Conservation Fund One of the Biggest Accomplishments of Year Says RDOS Chair

Looking back over 2016, RDOS Board Chair Karla Kozakevich said a decision near the end of the year was one of the biggest accomplishments for the Regional District Okanagan Similkameen. Kozakevich, is the Area Director for Electoral Area E…

Conservation Fund for the South Okanagan Receives Public Assent

The Alternate Approval Process to establish the environmental conservation bylaw completed last Monday at 4:30 pm with less than .1% of eligible electors in opposition.  "I am very happy to announce the public approval of the bylaw that…

Building a Resilient Okanagan Community Research Forum, Dec 5th, Kelowna Yacht Club

The Okanagan Research Forum: Building a Resilient Okanagan Landscape,  will be hosted by the UBC Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Services (BRAES) and the UBC Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER), in collaboration…

Conservation Fund Given Third Reading at RDOS Board

On July 7th 2016, the Regional District Okanagan Similkameen Board gave third reading to the service bylaw to establish a Conservation Fund for the South Okanagan region. This is a significant step in the establishment of the fund. The bylaw…

City of Penticton joins Regional Conservation Fund

At the City of Penticton Council meeting Monday June 20th, Penticton Council vote unanimously to join in to participate in a Regional Conservation Fund for the South Okanagan that will raise and allocate dedicated funding for conservation…

RDOS Director Makes Motion to Establish Conservation Fund

At the April 28th RDOS Planning and Development Committee meeting, Area F Director Michael Brydon made a motion to establish a Conservation Fund that would be a sub-regional service in the South Okanagan. The proposed fund would requisition…